Saturday, 15 December 2012

"Slavi Show"- Slavi Trifanov and Georgi Milchev-Godgi

For me is pleasure to present one of my latest drawings. I haven't posted for a long time but now I'm back.

This is caricature portrait of two of the most famous people in Bulgaria.They are the major figures of "Slavi Show" (TV show) - Georgi Milchev-Godgi (left) and the boss- Slavi Trifanov (right).

This project is personal decision and try to make it the way you see it now. When I start drawing them I thought ...  "Easy one.Will draw it for a day or maximum two" ... 

I was so so wrong. Unfortunately they wasn't that easy, so I've done them for two weeks (with huge breaks due to other responsibilities). I hope this result will make people who knows them smile.

If you want me do drawing someone special for you, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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