Tuesday, 19 June 2012

"Zombie Project"

"Zombie project"

It's all about what will happen with you when you start livin' in a circle.

Waking up - 5:00 o'clock in the morning... than quick coffee ... half open eyes and preparing yourself going to work which is killing you. Your working day is in a tree parts - First part, than Tea Break ... Second one .... than Lunch ... Third part ... than last Tea Break and than you pray to go home on time ... but the bad thing is that This never depends on you ... 

Unfortunately, isn't it?... 

Than you are driving angry on the way back home ... Dinner... bathroom ... than bed and ......

5:00 .... in the morning ... , 

same morning every day, every week, month, year....  

This is what gonna happen, if you are working in a place which is not suitable for you, place that you hate ... place which steals you life in front of you and put it in a circle and you even can't realize it ... 

After time you will become Zombie ... with no life, no friends ... NOTHING ...!



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